Friday, October 12, 2012

We Didterested

I'm a big fan of Pinterest.  It only has one itsy bitsy problem.  I spend hours upon hours behind the computer, "pinning" ideas and inspirational projects instead of actually doing them.  Recently I decided I would make it a goal to try to look back and use an idea such as cooking up a yummy recipe or a fun Halloween decoration.  With that said, early on this week my sister-in-law Liz found a fun project to do at home with Jo and Amelia.  It's so easy to do and great for a child's exploration of the senses!

Start with a pretty color paint.  
I had an old canvas laying around the house that I used and then I taped LOVE on the canvas.   Now you are ready for some painting fun with your kiddo.
I first showed her how to do it with my finger, while she observed, and she picked it up right away.   I let her use her fingers but you can give your little one a brush as well. 
This is the final result.   Make sure you wait for the paint to dry completely before you peel off the tape.  Also, my tape wasn't the best for this project.  As you can see the paint bled underneath the tape.   Look for blue painter's tape when you are at the store.  I know you can buy it at any hardware store that sells paint.  I kind of like the look though.  It's what artist's call " happy accidents".

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