Wednesday, December 5, 2012

St. Nick

St. Nicolas or Sinterklaas (patron of children and sailors) comes every year to Holland on a ship from Spain and showers kids with candy.  On the eve of the day he arrives, Dutch children will place the largest shoe they own at their fire place or right at the front door (in our case since we don't have a fire place), and the next morning it will be filled with delicious candy!  I have many fond memories as a child so even though I don't live in Holland anymore, I thought it would be fun to continue this tradition with my sweet Amelia.

One tiny shoe
I found this illustration by Philip Kruseman of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet throwing candy at children. 

Someone was very excited this morning.  Candy at 8AM? Yes, please! 

1 comment:

  1. cute! I love incorporating ideas like that into our lives. Plus...who doesn't like candy for breakfast! Merry CHRISTmas ya'll!
