Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas to You!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!  We will be at my parents house celebrating Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be spent at my sister in law's! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Katie Beans

It's been a bit quiet around the house the last few days.  We had to say "goodbye" to our sweet 13 year old dog, Katie.  It's strange coming home without her being there to greet us.  She sure had a wonderful, adventurous life and I'm so very happy that she's no longer in pain and in a better place now.  RIP Katie. We love you. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Scent & Senses

I love the smell of cinnamon and apple during the holidays, so I decided to get some of that scent going around the house without having to make apple pie or buying an expensive candle at the grocery store.

Just a few easy steps!

1. Boil water in a large pot.
2. Add orange peel, apple peel,  2 cinnamon sticks & since it's Christmas time I cut a sprig from our Christmas tree and added that as well.
3. Turn down heat and simmer all day long.   Please don't forget to turn the stove off when you leave your house!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Holidays

Amelia's grandma has been in town from Michigan for the last week and for the last two years she's been getting together with my mom to construct gingerbread homes with Jordan and Amelia.  I had a lot of fun watching these girls eat the fruit loops and candy while also concentrating real hard on decorating their little houses.  I must say I'm pretty impressed with the decorating skills, they've improved quite a lot since last year!